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Information - Complaints

Complaints - Railway, cableway and car services

      Send a complaint Lines - timetables - regularities

 It is also possible to lodge a complaint in the following ways:

- by mail addressing the complaint to "EAV S.r.l. Corso Garibaldi, 387 - 80142 Naples";

- by using the appropriate registers at the attended facilities (stations, stops, etc.).

The company believes that the expression of dissatisfaction is a particularly important moment in relations between the company and the customer. A complaint is a critical action on the part of the customer, but it can provide useful indications for creating a better service that is close to the expectations of those who use it or would like to use it. We are committed to handling 100% of requests within 30 days of receiving the complaint.

Second instance complaints

Pursuant to EC Regulation 1371/2007 and EU Regulation 181/2011 on rail and car passengers' rights, it is possible to lodge a complaint with the Transport Regulation Authority as a second resort, i.e. only after a complaint has been sent to the transport operator and the deadline for a reply has expired unsuccessfully, using the complaint forms that can be downloaded from the following links

    Complaint form for rail services

    Complaint form for bus services

filled in and accompanied by a copy of a valid identity document of the complainant, to be sent by registered mail with return receipt, by "Posta Elettronica Certificata" (pec) or by the special telematic system for sending and managing complaints (SITe).

Transport Regulatory Authority

Via Nizza 230, 10126 Turin

Telephone: 011.0908500

E-mail: art@autorita-trasporti.it

PEC: pec@pec.autorita-trasporti.it


Information and suggestions

Contact our offices using the on-line form

To send reports, suggestions, feedback on the accessibility of the site or to request information on the services of Ente Autonomo Volturno, use the appropriate forms below

   Write to us

   Request information Lines - timetables - regularities

   Send a suggestion 

For information on bus lines you can send an e-mail to infobus@enteautonomovolturno.it

Social and telephone contacts Lines - timetables - regularity

The Online Help Desk is operative every day  from 7:30 am to 7:30 pm

on Facebook and at the free number 800211388

The Eav Infopoints are open to the public every day at Porta Nolana, Piazza Garibaldi and Montesanto stations.


Lost property

In the event of lost or misplaced items or luggage on the train, in the station or on the cable car, EAV will notify the owner and invite him/her to collect the lost item. Travellers can call the toll-free number 800211388 to initiate the search procedures.


From June 2021, the new FINDMYLOST platform will be available on eavsrl.it to search for lost property among those found on buses, trains or in stations, and request its return directly to the customer's home, with courier delivery

Lost property is kept at the Lost and Found Offices unless it is perishable, dangerous or harmful, in which case the outcome is certified in a report.

If valuables are found, they are handed over - subject to detailed specification - to the Travel Voucher/COS Office for safekeeping.

In the event of objects or luggage being lost or left by a passenger on the bus, an email can be sent to the following address:


while for Ischia you can contact the following addresses: 0817354848 - 08119800119


Compensation for personal injury and/or property damage

Mon-Fri 9:00 ÷ 13:00 Mon and Thu 13:30 ÷ 18:00 081 7722391


Ente Autonomo Volturno S.R.L


Corso Garibaldi, 387
80142 Napoli ITALY

C.C.I.A.A. Napoli n. 4980 

C.F. e P. IVA 00292210630

Capitale sociale € 50.000.000,00